Shaping Tomorrow through Global Education
Organised by HAND Association in partnership with CONCORD Europe and in cooperation with GENE and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
This fifth edition of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) project's Global Education Digest provides a reasoned bibliography of academic and research materials relevant to the field of global education, providing an invaluable guide for researchers, policymakers and practitioners, and facilitating an overview of the development of this area of research.
If you are interested in Global Citizenship Education, Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainability, Education for Peace / Conflict Prevention and Intercultural Education, then you will find relevant material included.
This third multilingual edition adds two new languages (Finnish and Slovak), covering material that has been published recently in Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, and Spanish. It has been drawn together in cooperation with or as a cooperative work with an international contributor team drawn from amongst the network’s growing membership, and incorporating some members who were involved in ANGEL's International Summer School on Researching Global Education and Learning in June.
This new multilingual Digest aims to achieve several goals simultaneously:
Material is organised by language, then by primary and secondary research theme / topic, and additionally by publication type.
The majority of the sections cover only material published in 2021, as previous editions have covered other recent material, but the newly added language sections cover the last 5 years, and in some cases longer.
In the last decade the number of publications on the theme of global education and related issues have increased dramatically. These issues have gained momentum worldwide, not only in the political agenda of many European countries, but also within school practice, and academic discourse. The Global Education Digest project, begun in 2018, aimed to focus on this latter trend by outlining the growing space that Global Education (GE) occupies within the scholarly discourse.
The project this year has been coordinated by Dr Carla Inguaggiato (University of Bologna) with the scientific supervision of Professor Massimiliano Tarozzi (UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education, and the technical support of Kester Muller (Development Education Research Centre, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education & Society), on behalf of Global Education Network Europe, in the framework of ANGEL activities. This event, along with the other activities of the ANGEL network, is co-funded by the European Union.*
You can find biographies for all of the contributors at the back of the publication.
* The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission. The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.