All of the latest news, events and meetings of the ANGEL Special Interest Group on Teacher Education, a member-driven group that examines the evidence and research on approaches to global education and global citizenship education within teacher education provision..

Major event at University of Bologna focuses on Training Teacher for Global Citizenship Education.
This international conference, organised by the UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship...
Teacher Education SIG Symposium at ANGEL Conference 2025.
ANGEL's Special Interest Group on Teacher Education is developing a symposium for the Academic Network for Global Education &...
A gathering of the ANGEL SIG on Teacher Education.
The next MeeTEing Point session takes the theme "The DICE Project: a model for integrating GCE into primary teacher education in Ireland". ANGEL MeeTEing Point is a series of online gatherings of ANGEL's Special Interest...
A gathering of the ANGEL SIG on Teacher Education.
Theme: S-Cool-Links: Uniting teachers for climate action. With Asmita Rajaram - VVOB (Belgium) ANGEL MeeTEing Point is a new series of online gatherings of ANGEL's Special Interest Group on Teacher Education, designed to...
ANGEL's Biennial International Conference 2023
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The ANGEL Conference 2023 will bring together academics, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners with an interest in research on Global...
ANGEL's Biennial International Conference 2023
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The ANGEL Conference 2023 will bring together academics, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners with an interest in research on Global...
Teacher Education Special Interest Group: New research
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Four short presentations on the theme: "Education for sustainable development with pre-service and in-service teachers" ...
Present your research at ANGEL's dedicated early career researcher event.
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Global Education and Learning, alongside areas such as Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable...
A gathering of the ANGEL SIG on Teacher Education.
ANGEL MeeTEing Point is a new series of online gatherings of ANGEL's Special Interest Group on Teacher Education, designed to bring the community together to discuss pertinent issues for all those with an interest in...
Submit proposals to present at ANGEL webinar
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As part of the ANGEL Webinar Series, ANGEL's Special Interest Group on Teacher Education will be hosting an event on the 8 February, 14:00-15:30 (GMT) with the...