Partner organisations
Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0
Public Participation: A Tool for Water Conservation and Environmental Ma... (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70272-8_47)
Raposo, A., Vasconcelos, L., Caser, U., Fragoso, S., Silva, N., Ventura, S. and Alcazar, R. Stakeholders sustainable management in agriculture - lessons from participatory processes. XXIII International conference Society for Human Ecology – Navigating complexity: human-environmental solutions for a challenging future, Lisboa july 2018 conference proceedings - pp 42-50
Albertina Raposo & Mônica Mesquita. A Construção Colaborativa De Conhecimento: será A Transformação Social Um Processo Pedagógico? Revista Sinergias nº 6 - Relação entre Ensino Superior e Comunidade(s) (jan 2018) Disponível em
Saúde, S., Zarcos A. P. & Raposo A. (2018) 'Empowering more Proactive Citizens through Development Education: The Results of Three Learning Practices Developed in Higher Education', Policy & Practice, Vol. 27, Autumn, pp. 109-126.