Special Issue 11.2: International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning.
The editor of this internationally refereed journal invites ANGEL members to submit papers on all aspects of development education and global learning from any educational context worldwide. They especially welcome articles that explore the links between research, policy, and practice, as well as those which critically reflect on appropriate approaches to research and pedagogy within development education and global learning. Their particular aim is to publish articles from different parts of the world in order to ensure a diversity of voices and perspectives are heard.
The editors also consider other types of content, such as a research ‘conversation’ between two or more academics, succinct analysis of a current issue in development education or global learning, or a report about ongoing research. Every issue of the journal also features reviews of books on development education and global learning.
Special issue - Call for papers
RADICALIZATION, EXTREMISM AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. Guest editor April Biccum. For publication December 2019.
We live in turbulent times when populism, ethno-nationalism, extremism and radicalization are on the rise. Scholarship in political science has characterised the wide variety of radical or extreme movements as ‘social movements’ because of their strategies for political mobilisation. Equally, scholars in the field of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) have likened it to a social movement and located the origins of global citizenship as an aim for education in the social movements of the global south. Much of the activism from the global south that inspires the critical scholarship on GCE are anti-systemic in nature, calling for ‘another world’ and not necessarily for transformation of existing institutions. At the same time Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is a central educational tenet of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and of UNESCO’s Preventing Violent Extremism through Education initiative. This invites consideration of the differences between education meant to ‘open people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the world, and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all’ (Maastrict Global Education Declaration 2002) and more organic, grassroots and self-organising forms of political mobilisation across the political spectrum. The question remains, how does GCE respond to an ever more complex global political landscape in which there is increasing competition for political allegiance, a wider variety of political mobilisations and in which there is more at stake over the ability to influence the ‘mind set’ of the public in terms of cost and benefits? This call for papers invites contributions which engage GCE either theoretically or empirically in these questions of state-society relations, civil society, political mobilisations, social movements, radicalisation and extremism.
Articles are subject to full peer review. Please send abstracts, outlines and expressions of interest by 15 November 2018 to Dr Clare Bentall (c.bentall@ucl.ac.uk). Draft articles are also welcome on this early date. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 28 February 2019. Informal enquiries to the editor about possible paper submissions are welcome. Articles in this issue will be published in December 2019.