Review of The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning.
A book review examining The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning has just been published in Issue 30 of key journal Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review. The handbook is the first comprehensive handbook examining global education and features writing by many ANGEL members.
The review, written by Gerard McCann, a Senior Lecturer in International Studies (St Mary’s University College, Queens University Belfast) provides a great summary of the handbook as being "the first comprehensive collection highlighting the international and cross-disciplinary nature of the field, (addressing) the spectrum of topics that comprise an educational framework for learning about global and human development in its broadest sense", as well as hailing it as "a marker in the research base and formation of global education".
The great contribution and involvement of ANGEL network members to the publication is also recognised:
"The scope of the book is impressive, with the publication drawing in writers from Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, the Americas and from across Europe. In this, it registers how GE is reflected in education systems around the world. It provides a platform for academics and builds on the Academic Network on Global Education and Learning (ANGEL), a network of 500 and more researchers globally who work in this discipline. The book is a product of this network and is, in a way, a first significant statement from the network, with the hope that it will continue to be a formative repository of ideas and leadership."
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