
New issue

Human Rights Education Review - Vol 4 No 2 now available online.

A new issue is now available of this very relevant journal, which currently has several ANGEL members on its International Editorial Board.

It includes an editorial on 'Prerequisites and outcomes of human rights education' authored by Audrey Osler and Christian Stokke (University of South-Eastern Norway). 


Human Rights Education Review aims to make a key contribution to the fast-developing and interdisciplinary field of human rights education. The journal particularly welcomes contributions at the intersection of human rights and diversity studies in education. It is an independent, peer-reviewed, open-access (gold model), online journal. Human Rights Education Review covers all levels of education, from early childhood through to higher education, professional education and lifelong learning.

Applications invited for Editor

Applications are invited for additional Editors/ Associate Editors to join the Human Rights Education Review (HRER) team. Find out more.

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.