

New UNESCO report on GCE & nationalism. 

ANGEL members may be interested to read through this report, entitled "Global Citizenship Education and the rise of nationalist perspectives: Reflections and possible ways forward"

It gives UNESCO's perspective on the apparent recent increase in nationalism, as well as aiming to identify approaches to addressing these issues in GCE.

Here is the report summary:

"Over the past few years, many have observed a rise in nationalist perspectives across the world. These trends raise questions about the role of education and, in particular, one of UNESCO’s key areas of work in the field of education, namely Global Citizenship Education (GCED), which seeks to equip learners with the skills, values and attitudes needed to contribute to the development of peaceful and just societies. This paper seeks to clarify the evidence of the rise of nationalist perspectives and its causes, and to lay out how GCED is challenged by this phenomenon. It recommends ways forward for education stakeholders in promoting GCED, in order to strengthen ‘learning to live together’ by embedding GCED meaningfully in local and country contexts."

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.