Shaping Tomorrow through Global Education
Organised by HAND Association in partnership with CONCORD Europe and in cooperation with GENE and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
The 2020 Academic Network on Global Education and Learning Early Career Researchers Conference was held online on 11-12 June 2020 and hosted by University of Oulu, Finland.
This second biannual ANGEL early careers researcher conference focuses on research on global education and learning. The aim is to provide early career researchers with an inspiring platform for discussing, re-visiting and analysing the complexity of conceptualisations.
Participants: Academics, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. We especially welcome early career (PhD students and post-doctoral) researchers.
For several years, DERC (UCL Institute of Education, UK), Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg (Germany), and the University of Oulu (Finland) have organised an annual workshop for PhD students of the three institutions who are conducting research in the areas of development education, global learning and global citizenship. Following the foundation of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning, this international collaboration continues, but is now delivered as part of the activities of the ANGEL network. You can read about the 2018 event here.