

Thursday, 30 November, 2023 - 17:00

Two important new books on Global Education & Learning

Attend in-person or online for the launch of 'Pedagogy of Hope for Global Social Justice' and 'Research in Global Learning'.


Douglas Bourn, Professor of Development Education at UCL and Chair of the ANGEL Advisory Board, would like to invite you to the launch of two important new books for anyone with an interest in research on Global Education and Learning:

Format & registration

This launch, on the 30th November at 17:00-18:30 GMT, will feature a brief introduction to each book, and a series of short presentations from the authors of key chapters from both collections.

This is to be hybrid event. Please select the appropriate ticket for either: 

  1. In-person attendance on the UCL Bloomsbury Campus, including refreshments and a chance for networking. The venue is Executive Suite 103, UCL Engineering Building (access off Malet Place). Please register here
  2. Online attendance via a Zoom meeting where you will be able to watch the presentations and discussion, as well as post questions. Please register here

The books

Pedagogy of Hope for Global Social Justice

Editors: Douglas Bourn & Massimiliano Tarozzi

Following Paulo Freire and his concept of pedagogy of hope, this open access book explores the educational role of hope as an approach to learning about global issues in different areas of the world. Climate change, racism, and the COVID-19 pandemic have shown more than ever the need for a global shift in education policy and practice. This book provides a conceptual framework of global education and learning and the role it can play in addressing these social and environmental challenges. Written by scholars based in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Ghana, India, Italy, Portugal South Africa, Spain, the UK and the USA, the book addresses a range of local and global issues from global citizenship education in Latin America to training teachers in global education.


Research in Global Learning: Methodologies for global citizenship and sustainable development education

Editor: Douglas Bourn

Young people around the world are calling ever more urgently on policymakers to address today’s global challenges of sustainability, structural inequality and social justice. So it is little surprise that learning in a global society, understanding sustainable development and being active global citizens are increasingly popular themes for education at all levels. Educational research makes a crucial contribution to knowledge that can address the great questions of our time, with evidence from diverse studies vital if we are to build a clear picture. Research in Global Learning showcases methods and findings from early career researchers who conducted illuminating studies around the globe, specifically in Brazil, China, Ghana, Greece, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Poland, South Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, the United States and the United Kingdom. The studies in this volume investigate four important themes: the relationship between policy and practice; opportunities and constraints in the education system and for the role of teachers; challenges for higher education; and the perspectives of young people and students. Flexibility of approach is crucial for successful educational research in varied environments, and is on show throughout this book. Depending on context, authors used case study, quantitative and qualitative research, participatory action research, longitudinal studies and analysis of textbooks through critical discourse analysis to demonstrate how learning about global learning and sustainability can inspire learners and contribute to quality education.


Editor biographies

Douglas Bourn is Professor of Development Education at UCL Institute of Education and Co-Director of the Development Education Research Centre. He is the author of Theory and Practice of Development Education (2014), Understanding Global Skills (2018), Education for Social Change (2022), and editor of the Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning (2020).

Massimiliano Tarozzi is UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education and Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies at the University of Bologna, Italy, where he is Founding Director of the International Research Centre on Global Citizenship Education. He is co-author, with Carlos Alberto Torres, of Global Citizenship Education and the Crises of Multiculturalism (2016) and Grounded Theory (2020), both published by Bloomsbury.

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.