This session will see ANGEL Advisory Board member Prof Annette Scheunpflug (Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg) explore the history of, and question the contemporary relevance of the connections between the development cooperation sector and global citizenship education (GCE). Mara Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge (Development Cooperation Ministry) will then offer a response. The Chair will be ANGEL Advisory Board member and Global Education Digest contributor La Salete Coelho (University of Porto & Polytechnic of Viana do Castelo).
This event will begin at 13:00 GMT (London time) on the 24 November.
Nowadays, GCE programmes and projects are mainly hosted, implemented, and financed by western development cooperation agencies and NGOs. This situation reflects the fact that GCE is historically rooted in 'development education'.
But while development education had the clear mandate to raise awareness, primarily among Western audiences, of the development challenges faced by the 'Global South', GCE places greater emphasis on the educational and pedagogical dimension of global citizenship and the need to implement GCE in schools and universities.
GCE also aims to address complex global issues - not simply as development issues, but as a gateway wider discussion on global justice and international solidarity theories and practices.
This leads us to these two questions:
Is the historical relationship between the development cooperation sector and GCE still relevant today?
Are development cooperation’s mission and practices and GCE’s mission and content compatible, and how can GCE’s vision on international solidarity and global challenges influence theories and practices of development cooperation?
This session has been developed in collaboration with the Global citizenship education programme of Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency.
Please note that simultaneous interpretation will be available throughout so all content will be accessible to English, French and Dutch speakers.
Prof Annette Scheunpflug holds the chair of Foundations in Education at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg in Germany and is an elected member of the Bavarian Academy of Science. She has a broad international teaching and research experience in Europe, the US, Japan and several African countries. Her research covers aspects of educational quality, Anthropology of Education and Global Education. She is member of the editorial board of the Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft and the International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, as well as the ANGEL advisory board.
Mara Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge is the head of the 'global citizenship' department at the Direction générale du développement (Belgium), the central administration of the Development Cooperation Ministry.
This event is to be hosted via Zoom. Registered participants will be emailed a link in the days before the event, and also 30 minutes before as a reminder. Time after the presentations will be given over to a Q&A with participants.
This event is part of a series of online events run by the Academic Network for Global Education & Learning. The series is aimed at Global Education professionals, as well as anyone with an interest in research in the fields of Development Education, Global Citizenship Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, and Intercultural Education.
Teachers for a Sustainable Future: Global Education and Teacher Training in Visegrad Countries.
Webinar presenting research results of an international project examining the role of higher education institutions in integrating Global Education, with a particular emphasis on teacher education.
Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region: India (Aaryan Salman).
Part of a cluster of blogs that present perpectives on Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region by prominent figures working in countries across the region.