Shaping Tomorrow through Global Education
Organised by HAND Association in partnership with CONCORD Europe and in cooperation with GENE and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
As part of a project-wide push towards prioritising community-generated ideas, the Academic Network on Global Education and Learning is calling on its stakeholders and members to submit ideas for webinars that will be organised by ANGEL during the 2024/25 academic year, as part of the established ANGEL Webinar Series.
Previous years have seen diverse events, including sessions that simply examine a single exciting piece of research by an individual researcher, sessions that have multiple presenters talking about a large project, or even sessions with short presentations form a range of academics on a particular topic or geographical region. We have held events in various languages, including with simultaneous interpretation.
You can see the webpages for the most recent series' below, or visit our YouTube channel to see videos of almost all of these events. Please note that the events recordings generally are edited to omit the discussion or workshop session that normally follows any presentation.
We are asking ANGEL stakeholders to send in ideas for online sessions that could form part of the next webinar series. You will need to submit via our short online form, supplying a proposed title, a session description, and define the intended audience.
We are interested in all aspects of Global Education, as defined in the 'Dublin Declaration' as "education that enables people to reflect critically on the world and their place in it; to open their eyes, hearts and minds to the reality of the world at local and global level. It empowers people to understand, imagine, hope and act to bring about a world of social and climate justice, peace, solidarity, equity and equality, planetary sustainability, and international understanding. It involves respect for human rights and diversity, inclusion, and a decent life for all, now and into the future".
Please note that priority will go to submissions from full ANGEL members. You can find out about membership here.
We are keen this year to have events that examine both scholarship, and the development and implementation of policies.
Previous events have been between 75-120 minutes (normally 90), depending on the number of inputs.
Please submit your initial proposal by the end of business on 26th August. You can consider this a draft proposal, and should the topic be deemed suitable, there will be time to refine the event in September, including for example adding another speaker or respondent if required.