Shaping Tomorrow through Global Education
Organised by HAND Association in partnership with CONCORD Europe and in cooperation with GENE and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
This event aims to share and discuss current research on teacher education for global citizenship and sustainable development, across different contexts and across the teacher education continuum.
Two separate groups of presenters will be presenting during this session:
The event will also serve as an opportunity to present ANGEL's Special Interest Group in Teacher Education.
This event, along with the other activities of the ANGEL network, are co-funded by the European Union.*
The event will specifically address the following:
This event is to be hosted via Zoom. Registered participants will be emailed a link in the days before the event, and also 30 minutes before as a reminder. Time after the presentations will be given over to a Q&A with participants.
This event is part of a series of online events run by the Academic Network for Global Education & Learning. The series is aimed at Global Education professionals, as well as anyone with an interest in research in the fields of Development Education, Global Citizenship Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, and Intercultural Education.
The convenors of the ANGEL Special Interest Group on Teacher Education, Mónica Lourenço (Universidade de Aveiro), Qudsia Kalsoom (Beaconhouse National University) and Benjamin Mallon (Dublin City University) will be sharing examples from Ireland, Portugal and Pakistan that showcase trends in research and practice related to teacher education for global citizenship and sustainable development.
Mónica Lourenço is a Researcher at the Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She has a PhD in Didactics and Teacher Education and over 15 years of experience teaching and supervising master’s and PhD students in the areas of language didactics, early years education and global citizenship. She has published extensively on early language learning, plurilingualism, and global citizenship education and has coordinated and participated in international projects in these areas. She is co-author of the book Teacher Education Policy and Practice in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future (Routledge, 2018). Currently, she is conducting a project on the transformative potential of communities of practice as "third spaces" (situated between the university, the school and the community) in the education of teachers for global citizenship.
Qudsia Kalsoom (Beaconhouse National University, Pakistan) has been serving as a teacher educator for the past 17 years. Over this extended period, she has interacted with thousands of preservice and in-service teachers in Pakistan. She has also served on various leadership positions in higher education and led different initiatives such as establishing a centre for teachers’ continuing professional development, launching pre-service teachers’ journal of action research, and holding an annual teachers’ conference. Dr Kalsoom investigates issues related to teacher education for sustainability and social justice. She has published her work in refereed journals and edited book volumes. In addition to teacher education, Dr Kalsoom is interested in issues related to higher education for sustainable development. She is currently serving on the editorial advisory board of International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. She is also a member of editorial advisory board of a book series (17 books) on Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals. The book series is to be published by Emerald.
Benjamin Mallon is Assistant Professor in Geography and Citizenship Education in the Institute of Education, Dublin City University. His research explores educational approaches which support teaching and learning about, and taking action to address, complex and sometimes controversial global issues, such as climate change, and conflict. Previous research has explored inservice teacher education for global citizenship across Europe, and has investigated the impact of teacher education on teachers’ and children’s understandings of, and attitudes towards, sustainability. Current research explores the efficacy of climate change education resources, and investigates newly qualified primary teachers' engagement with global issues. Amongst several publications, Ben is co-editor of Teaching for social justice and sustainable development across the primary curriculum (Routledge, 2021). Ben teaches Geography Education and Citizenship Education within undergraduate and postgraduate initial teacher education. He sits on the editorial board of Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review.
A team of researchers from the University of Bamberg, Annette Scheunpflug, Susanne Timm and Dorothea Taube, will be presenting two empirical studies which have consequences for teacher training: One study is on how teacher training students in Germany understand the world and its diversity, and the other investigates the understanding of globalization and related didactics of experienced teachers involved in global learning.
Annette Scheunpflug holds the chair of Foundations in Education at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg in Germany and is an elected member of the Bavarian Academy of Science. She has a broad international teaching and research experience in Europe, the US, Japan and several African countries. Her research covers aspects of educational quality, Anthropology of Education and Global Education. She is member of the editorial board of the Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft and the International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, as well as the ANGEL advisory board.
Susanne Timm works as a senior researcher at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg in Germany. Her research fields are Education and Diversity, Global learning, teacher education and comparative education.
Dorothea Taube studied anthropology, political science, and African studies at the Free University of Berlin and at the University of Basel (Switzerland). After this she worked in an interdisciplinary project on science and technology education at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities from 2012 to 2014. She also worked as a trainer holding workshops in secondary schools on topics in the field of global learning. Dorothea Taube has recently finished a PhD project in education on teacher professionalization in the field of global learning at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg. The project focuses on how teachers address the social complexity of the worldwide interconnectedness in their teaching. Dorothea Taube has been a research assistant at the chair of Foundations of Education at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg since April 2020. Her research interests include global learning, teacher education and dealing with heterogeneity in education.
* The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission. The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.