Early Career Conference on Global Education and Global Citizenship.
For the last 3 years, DERC (UCL Institute of Education, UK), Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg (Germany), and the University of Oulu (Finland) have organised an annual workshop for PhD students of the three institutions who are conducting research in the areas of development education, global learning and global citizenship.
In 2018, with support from the ANGEL network and Global Education Network Europe (GENE), the organisers are able to extend participation in the 1-day conference to PhD students and early career researchers from around Europe. The conference will include opportunities for participants to present their work and to discuss their research with peers. It will be held on Thursday, 14 June 2018 at the UCL Institute of Education. Those interested in extending their stay might also consider attending the annual International Conference on Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) which will held at UCL IOE on Friday, 15 June 2018. If you don't plan to present a paper (see below), then the deadline for registration is Sunday, 10 June.
There is no fee for attendance at the Early Career Researcher conference, but participants must register for the event using the form accessed via the button below, with registrations being screened by DERC staff. We cannot guarantee a place, and will be in touch to confirm the outcome as soon as possible. Applications will be assessed with reference to the stated aims and scope of the event, with some priority given to those who want to present a paper.
There is some funding available to support travel to this event. Read more about this here.
Coffee/ tea and lunch will be provided.
Conference Themes
Participants interested in presenting a paper at the conference are asked to submit an abstract which outlines their proposed topic and how it links to one of the conference’s themes below. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and included the participant’s name, institutional affiliation and contact email. Abstracts should be submitted by Wednesday, 16 May via the below form. All abstracts will be peer reviewed by academics in the Development Education Research Centre, and applicants will be informed of the outcome of the review within 5 working days. Any queries about paper presentations can be sent to Dr. Nicole Blum.
Theme 1: Research Design and Methodology
Papers in this theme will explore the issues and challenges related to designing research in Development Education, Global Citizenship, Global Learning or related areas. Papers which present research using specific methodologies or approaches are particularly welcome.
Theme 2: Research Ethics
Papers in this theme will explore key issues related to ethical concerns in research in Development Education, Global Citizenship, Global Learning or related areas. This could include, for instance, discussion of challenging issues arising in research practice (e.g. negotiating informed consent) or innovative approaches to ensuring ethical collaboration with research participants.
Theme 3: Reflections on Writing and Publishing
Papers in this theme will present experiences of writing and publishing research in Development Education, Global Citizenship, Global Learning or related areas. Examples might include reflections on turning a PhD thesis into a book or series journal articles, or the process of writing research outputs for a variety of audiences (e.g. a PhD thesis, research report or briefing). This session will also include a Q&A session with journal editors.