Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region.
Bringing together academics, policymakers, and practitioners with an interest in Global Education and Learning who are working in or on the Asia Pacific region.
On Wednesday, 13 October 2021, APCEIU and the Office for Climate Education (OCE) staged an Expert Meeting for Integrating Global Citizenship Education and Climate Change Education.
The meeting gathered Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Climate Change Education (CCE) experts from various regions to share their perspectives on how to integrate both fields and explore the possible actions that APCEIU, OCE and other stakeholders can take to enhance the implementation of GCED and CCE in various spheres.
ANGEL Coordinator Massimiliano Tarozzi was invited to provide an overview of GCED, its potential, and how best to integrate GCE and CCE. One of his observations was: "The two approaches find a common ground not in a particular area of school integration (i.e. curriculum, teacher education, capacity building etc.) but they both work best at pre-learning level."