
Interview series

Wednesday, 7 March, 2018 - 15:56

UCLA Professor Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres discusses Global Citizenship with Emiliano Bosio.

Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres discusses the meaning of Global Citizenship and its educational extension Global Citizenship Education, and how Paulo Freire's pedagogy connects to Global Citizenship Education. "Planet, Peace and People" are the three distinctive characteristics of global citizenship, according to Dr. Torres.

Dr. Torres is Distinguished Professor of Education, UNESCO UCLA Chair in Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education, and Director of UCLA Paulo Freire Institute.

This video is part of the Global Citizenship Education Interview Series, conceived of by ANGEL member and contributor Emiliano Bosio, and aims to provide a "video-roadmap" to relevant teaching experiences on Global Citizenship Education. The series is aimed at: 1) Educators who are seeking to develop their theoretical understanding of Global Citizenship Education into teaching practice, 2) Researchers who are new to Global Citizenship Education and who seek dynamic starting points for their research; 3) General viewers who are interested in learning more about the history, philosophy, and practice of Global Citizenship Education.

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.