Submit proposals to present at ANGEL webinar
As part of the ANGEL Webinar Series, ANGEL's Special Interest Group on Teacher Education will be hosting an event on the 8 February, 14:00-15:30 (GMT) with the focus 'Education for sustainable development with pre-service and in-service teachers'.
SIG members are invited to submit their expressions of interest for participating in this webinar by 31 December, 2022.
Education for sustainable development has emerged as a key discourse in education in the past two decades. UNESCO’s (2019) framework “ESD for 2030” states that ESD is an integral element of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on quality education (SDG4) and a key enabler of all the other SDGs. Recently ESD has been included as a cross-cutting theme in the Subjects’ Benchmark Statements in the UK (QAA, 2022). ESD has also received attention at level of education policy in many other countries. An emphasis on ESD in schools has generated debates about the role of teacher preparation programmes in promoting ESD, teachers’ agency for ESD and the challenges regarding implementation of ESD. Since teachers are the key players in implementation of ESD, it is important to highlight and share knowledge about their beliefs, capabilities, and practices in relation to ESD. By sharing practices and research related to teachers and ESD, ANGEL webinar on the theme “ESD with pre-service and in-service teachers” aims at adding to conversations on:
- Teacher education for sustainable development (TESD)
- Teacher professional development programmes and ESD
- Teachers’ challenges regarding ESD implementation
- Teaching for ESD
- Assessment for ESD
- Teachers’ agency for ESD
- Teachers' beliefs/representations about ESD
- Teacher profile/competences and ESD
SIG members are invited to submit their expressions of interest for a 10-12-minute presentation by 31 December 2022.
The expression of interest should include the following:
- Title of the presentation related to above-mentioned or any other related area
- Name, institutional/organisational affiliation (where relevant) and email address of presenter(s)
- An outline of the presentation/ webinar in no more than 250 words. It should mention:
- aim of the presentation
- relevant theory, conceptual frameworks, methods or approaches used (in case of research or theoretical paper presentation)
- results or conclusions and implications
Please send this information to the SIG co-convenor Mónica Lourenço: The expression of interest will be peer reviewed by a sub-group of the SIG. Decisions about whether or not the proposal is accepted will be communicated by 20 January 2023.
If you would like to discuss your proposal before submitting, please send an email to Mónica Lourenço (