Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region.
Bringing together academics, policymakers, and practitioners with an interest in Global Education and Learning who are working in or on the Asia Pacific region.
ANGEL members in the UK and beyond with an interest in teacher education may be interested to attend the long running annual event coordinated by the Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network, to be held this year at the Liverpool Hope University Campus.
There is growing realisation that education, as it takes place currently, is inadequate to the global crises we face. Fuelled by a growing sense of urgency, these arguments call for education itself to be transformed to meet with the challenges of shaping peaceful, just and sustainable futures.
In response to the urgency of these calls, TEESNet 2022 hopes to explore lines of inquiry linked to one or more of the following themes:
TEESNet (Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network) aims to develop a UK wide community of practice in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship within teacher education in higher education and schools, that shares research and practice to develop new understanding across the sector in the UK and beyond.