Global Education and Learning, alongside areas such as Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development, are rapidly growing areas of educational research. Come along to this session, titled New voices in Global Education & Learning, to get a taste of the perspectives of emerging researchers, who will be sharing their own research and presenting provocative ideas regarding Global Education and Learning. Key actors from ANGEL introduce the session, and offer responses to, and analysis of, the presentations.
This event is in addition to the planned face-to-face ANGEL/UNESCO international conference planned for June 19th and 20th in Paris, and is seen as providing a space where early career researchers can meet and discuss their research online in a relatively relaxed and informal environment. Presenters at the session submitted proposals which were assessed by the ANGEL Advisory Board. You can see the Call for Submissions webpage here.
This event, along with the other activities of the ANGEL network, is co-funded by the European Union.*
Format & Sessions
This event is to be hosted via Zoom, and will feature an opening and closing session in 'plenary', with the 'New Voices' presentations being delivered in 3 parallel sessions.
You can view all the abstracts for the presentations in a PDF document, accessed via the button below.
Global Citizenship Education and Policy Development
Global Citizenship has become a feature of education policy developments in many countries in recent years. This strand addresses ways in which the term and field has been part of policies in a specific national context, within broader debates in higher education and also what the term can actually mean in different cultural and institutional contexts.
Maayke de Vries & Giannis Efthymiou (University College London): "Reaching for Global Citizenship Education Otherwise through imagining and living a trans-temporal and spatial collaboration"
Nina Johanna Helin (OISE, University of Toronto): "Global Citizenship Education in Estonia - A Case Study of Policy Change"
Yaqiao Liu (University of Manchester): "Relations between Global Citizenship Education and Internationalisation of Higher Education in China: a policy analysis."
Global Citizenship Education and Practice
What does global citizenship education mean in practice? Through a range of perspectives this term is used as the framework to assess research in schools, be it within subjects or whole school approaches or through specific initiatives.
Amy Strachan (St Mary's University, Twickenham): "Using Critical Global Citizenship Education to challenge the traditional notion of science education"
Clare Sisisky (Klingenstein Center, Teachers College, Columbia University): "Young Alumni Perspectives on the Influence of Immersive Intercultural Learning during Adolescence"
Rita Divéki (Eötvös Loránd University): "Hungarian Teachers' Perspectives on Global Competence Development in Secondary School EFL Classes: A Mixed-Methods Study"
Yuemiao Ma (University of Edinburgh): "Global Citizenship Education embedded in Model UNs: how does it work in China?"
Education for Sustainable Development
Sustainability and themes such as climate change have become popular themes in educational research and practice in recent years. This theme explores different ways in which the term is interpreted and practised through a range of research papers covering both voices from the Global South as well as the Global North.
Aruj Khaliq (Learning Alliance International): "Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: An Interventional Thinking Tool & Implications"
Haley Perkins (University of Cambridge): "Education for the Environment: A philosophical inquiry into the relational role of technology in ecocentric education"
Olga Mun & Aizuddin Mohamed Anuar (University of Oxford & Keele University): "Proverbial wisdom: Storying sustainability through proverbs from the Global South"
Rebecca McCartney (Liverpool College/ LJMU): "Challenges and Opportunities in Climate Change Education: Teacher perspectives"
At the end of the event, ANGEL members Andreas Rogler (University of Oulu), Dobrawa Aleksiak (University of Warsaw) and Riikka Suhonen (University of Helsinki) will be launching a survey of the membership which will explore possibilities for a sub-network for emerging researchers, and introduce plans for a session at the ANGEL Conference 2023 in Paris.
Registered participants will be emailed a link in the days before the event, and also 30 minutes before as a reminder. Time after the presentations will be given over to questions and discussion. Register via the button above, or click here.
As part of its core mission, the Academic Network of Global Education and Learning pays particular attention to supporting the research of doctoral students and post-doctoral work. This has included both face to face events such as 2022's International Summer School on Researching Global Education and Learning, and online events, such as the conference hosted by the University of Oulu in 2020.
What is Global Education and Learning?
Global Education and Learning is seen as encompassing the following:
Global Education is education that enables people to reflect critically on the world and their place in it; to open their eyes, hearts and minds to the reality of the world at local and global level. It empowers people to understand, imagine, hope and act to bring about a world of social and climate justice, peace, solidarity, equity and equality, planetary sustainability, and international understanding. It involves respect for human rights and diversity, inclusion, and a decent life for all, now and into the future.
The ANGEL Webinar Series
This event is part of a series of online events run by the Academic Network for Global Education & Learning. The series is aimed at Global Education professionals, as well as anyone with an interest in research in the fields of Development Education, Global Citizenship Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, and Intercultural Education.
* The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission. The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.
Teachers for a Sustainable Future: Global Education and Teacher Training in Visegrad Countries.
Webinar presenting research results of an international project examining the role of higher education institutions in integrating Global Education, with a particular emphasis on teacher education.
Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region: India (Aaryan Salman).
Part of a cluster of blogs that present perpectives on Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region by prominent figures working in countries across the region.