Partner organisations
Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0,
1. Zembylas, M. & Keet, A. (2019). Critical human rights education: Advancing social-justice-oriented educational praxes. Springer: Dordrecht , The Netherlands.
2. Zembylas, M. (2019). Re-conceptualizing complicity in the social justice classroom: Affect, politics and anti-complicity pedagogy. Pedagogy, Culture, & Society, DOI.: 10.1080/14681366.2019.1639792
3. Zembylas, M. & Bekerman, Z. (2019). “A teacher’s stance to the Cyprus conflict is a matter of morality”: Some insights on the entanglement of moral and peace education. Journal of Peace Education, 16(2), 155-174.