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Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0
Clifford, V. & Montgomery, C. Designing an internationationalised curriculum for higher education: embracing the local and the global citizen. Higher Education Research and Development, 36(6), 1138-1151 (2017).
Clifford, V.A. Exploring internationalization of the Curriculum through the lens of Global Citizenship. In J. M. Freitas de Luna, Internacionalização do currículo educação, Interculturalidade, cidadania global. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Pontes Editores p.3-25 (2016).
Clifford, V. & Montgomery, C. Transformative Learning Through Internationalization of the Curriculum in Higher Education. Journal of Transformative Education, 13(1), 46-64 (2015).
Clifford, V. & Montgomery, C. Challenging Conceptions of Western Higher Education and Promoting Graduates as Global Citizens. Higher Education Quarterly, 68(1), 28–45, (2014).