Partner organisations
Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0
* Van Ongevalle, J., Knipprath, H., Fonteneau, B., Grega, P., Jaspers, N. (2018) Evaluation of the Belgian Development Cooperation programmes financed or co-financed by the Belgian Development Cooperation over the period 2014-2017 (Report available in French or Dutch)
* Van Ongevalle, J., Knipprath, H. Fontenau, B. (2016) Child rights education in teacher training for primary education in Belgium. HIVA-KULEUVEN & UNICEF België (Report available in Dutch)
* Van Ongevalle, J., Knipprath, H., Juchtmans, G., Pollet, I. (2015). Global citizenship education in Flemish secondary schools in Belgium – a mapping study (Report available in Dutch)
* Van Ongevalle, J., Fonteneau, B. (2014). Learning about the effects of development education programmes. Towards a learning centred monitoring and evaluation practice. Research Report. Pulse Research Platform, HIVA KU-Leuven: (
* Van Ongevalle, J., Carabain, C. (2014). More or Less Global Citizenship? When Measuring Becomes Learning. An action research study examining the use of qualitative methods for monitoring and evaluation, Evaluation Series 4, NCDO, Amsterdam. (