
The ANGEL team is constantly on the lookout for useful or inspiring news about Global Education. Please contact us or tweet at @angelnetworknet if you have suggestions.

05 June 2020

Fellowship available at UNESCO MGIEP in New Dehli. 

11-month, full time, work from home "International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment" (ISEEA) fellowship available.
Online study
01 June 2020

Special issue of Sustainability on "Online Global Citizenship, Open Education and Civic Collaboration".  

Submit for special issue of crossdisciplinary, peer reviewed & open access journal of environmental, cultural, economic, & social sustainability.
Bloomsbury book logo
11 May 2020

Review of The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. 

The first comprehensive handbook examining global education, featuring writing by ANGEL members, is reviewed in 'Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review'.
24 April 2020

Call For Papers For UNESCO’s Futures Of Education Initiative. 

Commission running global initiative aiming to reimagine how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity seeks background papers.
04 April 2020

Submit for special issue of Sustainability journal.

Doug Bourn
03 April 2020

New publication highlights huge growth in research on Global Education and Learning

March 2020 saw the publication of a major new collection of writing on Global Education in the form of ‘The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning’.
rail tracks
19 March 2020

Open call for Journal of Social Science Education issue on 'Global Education in Europe at Crossroads'.

Teesnet logo
18 March 2020

Submit your papers for the 12th Annual TEESNet Conference.

01 March 2020

Multilingual Global Education Digest progress

University of Oulu logo
28 February 2020

Global Education Lecturer position available at University of Oulu.

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.