Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region.
Bringing together academics, policymakers, and practitioners with an interest in Global Education and Learning who are working in or on the Asia Pacific region.
"Working with Professor Karen Mundy, this post-doctoral fellow will help lead a new research lab at OISE. S/he will provide research support on a number of projects, including: a study of education system diagnostic and planning tools, along with two country case studies on the “use case” for such tools; mapping of the evidence ecologies in national education systems; comparative analysis of approaches to education systems reforms and system strengthening interventions among international aid organizations (with possible comparison with health systems strengthening approaches); and ongoing research on the politics of international organizations and
civil society in education. The postdoctoral fellow will define specific areas of research within these projects or areas of research, and will produce co-authored papers, books and reports with the PI."
Closing date: 25 October