
New edition

New version of Global Education Digest now available.


This third edition of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) project's Global Education Digest provides a reasoned bibliography of academic and research materials relevant to the field of global education, providing an invaluable guide for researchers, policymakers and practitioners, and indicating a further milestone in the development of this area of research. If you are interested in Global Citizenship Education, Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainability, Education for Peace / Conflict Prevention and Intercultural Education, then you will find relevant material included. 

To address the most obvious limitation of the first two editions (2015-17 & 2018) - that of their exclusive English-language focus, this newly multilingual edition covers material that has been published recently in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, and has been drawn together in cooperation with or as a cooperative work with an international contributor team drawn from amongst the network’s growing membership. 

This new multilingual Digest aims to achieve several goals simultaneously:

  • Provide a comprehensive picture of the relevant literature published in GE in the most widely spoken European languages
  • Bring together data from several disconnected publishing spheres, facilitating comparison and encouraging reflection
  • Directly illustrate the linguistic asymmetries and language barriers within academic publishing
  • Providing a project and a resource that would galvanise and develop the ANGEL community



Material is organised by language, then by primary and secondary research theme / topic, and additionally by publication type.

The English section covers only material published in 2019, as previous editions have covered other recent material, but the other language sections cover the last 5 years, and in some cases longer.

Project background

In the last decade the number of publications on the theme of global education and related issues have increased dramatically. These issues have gained momentum worldwide, not only in the political agenda of many European countries, but also within school practice, and academic discourse. The Global Education Digest project, begun in 2018, aimed to focus on this latter trend by outlining the growing space that Global Education (GE) occupies within the scholarly discourse. 

This project has been delivered as part of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning project: the international network of global education researchers, academics and other professionals. The network is coordinated by Professor Massimiliano Tarozzi (with the support of Kester Muller) from the University of Bologna and the Development Education Research Centre (DERC), on behalf of Global Education Network Europe (GENE), and is co-funded by the European Commission.


    • Cuicui Li (East China Normal University)
    • Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi (Uni. Bologna / UCL Institute of Education)
    • Cécile Giraud (Enabel: Belgian Development Agency)
    • Prof. Annette Scheunpflug (University of Bamberg)
    • Rita Locatelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
    • Raffaella Faggioli (Università di Bologna)
    • La Salete Coelho (University of Porto & Polytechnic of Viana do Castelo)
    • Dalila P. Coelho (University of Porto)
    • Joana Costa (Sinergias ED)
    • Mónica Lourenço (University of Aveiro)
    • Francisco P. Silva (University of Aveiro)
    • Adelina Calvo Salvador (Universidad de Cantabria)

    Spread the word

    The ANGEL network relies on the contributions and input of its members. If you have access to tools or networks for spreading the word about the launch of the Digest, please feel free to use the below media assets to facilitate sharing and dissemination. We hope that you will assist us by sharing the publication using hyperlinks to this page or the repository page, rather than emailing them copies of the PDF. This will ensure we can measure the impact of the publication. 


    Further information

    ANGEL Network,
    Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
    UCL Institute of Education
    20 Bedford Way
    London WC1H 0AL

    Partner organisations

    Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

    The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
    The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.