

Friday, 7 June, 2024 - 09:00

New Voices in Global Education & Learning 2024.

ANGEL is excited to host a virtual conference tailored for, and developed by, Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from the ANGEL ECR Sub-Network, and focusing on global education and learning. The conference will be an excellent opportunity to connect with other ECRs, get feedback on research and become inspired by the research of other ECRs – here defined as a current PhD student, or PhD awarded in the last 6 years.

This event is a community-led initiative which is supported by the EU co-funded Academic Network on Global Education & Learning*. 


The event will run on the 7 June, 09:00 - 13:00 UK time. It will feature 23 presentations split across a number of sessions, all Chaired by members of the ECR network. Check the Programme via the button below.

This event follows last year's successful ECR event, also titled 'New Voices', but this time around the whole event has been designed by the ECR Sub-Network facilitators. 

Please note that to present at the event, you will need to be a current ANGEL member. ECR membership is currently £25 per year. Find out more here.


General information 

Our primary aim is to create interesting and meaningful discussions around Global Education and Learning, as defined via the 'Dublin Declaration'. Presentations will be allocated a 15 or 30-minute slot (including presentation and discussion). Poster presentations are also possible. During the conference, there will also be time for networking, and peer support. We welcome submissions from ECRs who are currently in the process of developing their research ideas and wish to receive feedback.

Conference themes 

Based on a feedback survey we sent out to ECRs of the ANGEL network, we created 4 overarching themes for the conference. Submissions should relate to one of these themes. 

  • Rethinking Global Citizenship Education 
  • Global Education and Learning in practice 
  • Peace Education theory and practice 
  • The role of Global Learning in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world (VUCA)

Picture: ECR Sub-network at ANGEL Paris conference 2023

For the conference, we are looking for presentations: 

  • that can provoke a thoughtful debate (opinion pieces are welcome) 
  • that challenge our often Eurocentric ways of thinking and highlight less researched contexts such as the Global South 
  • that foster critical thinking and reflection 

Submission guidelines, review process and further info

Submission is now closed. To find out more detailed info, including what definitions the call relies on, and how submissions were assessed, as well as to see some helpful reference material, please read the full call document linked to below. 



Programme, presentations & abstracts

The event will feature 6 sessions, some running in parallel, as well as poster presentations during the half-way break. The presenters are listed below, and abstracts can be read in the Abstract Book accessed via the button below. To see the order please check the Programme. 


  • Fadhila Hadjeris (UCLA): Educating for Global Citizenship in Post-colonial Algeria: Neoliberal Ideologies, Inequality, and Alienation
  • Corinne Angier (University of Stirling): What does GCE look like in a secondary maths classroom?
  • Ricardo Römhild (University of Münster): The power of language. Why GCE won't work without a revised language curriculum
  • Satia Zen (Tampere University): Teacher Identity and Climate Change Education: Implication to Curriculum Integration in the Indonesia
  • Brighid Golden (Mary Immaculate College (DICE Project)): Adapting a framework for critical global learning
  • Yi Hong (Soochow University): Educators’ Subjectivities in Localising Global Citizenship Education: A Chinese Case
  • Keri Reid (University of Stirling): Reflecting critically on a Ghana-Scotland school partnership: a rhizomatic narrative approach
  • Lucy Kentish (University of Bristol): Understanding the role of education in transforming societies 
  • Caroline Ferguson (University of Tasmania): Experiences and practices of Global Citizenship Education
  • Katie Ormrod (Manchester Metropolitan University): Exploring the potential for critical global citizenship education in a local community food bank
  • Luca Vittori (University of Bologna): Refugees in Higher Education. The resettlement process of UNICORE students
  • Emmanuel Niyibizi (Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS)): Education for Global Perspectives: Insights from Missions and Visions of Higher Learning institutions in Rwanda
  • Pravin Balakrishnan (King's College London): The Anticipatory Governance of Global Agendas in Global Education
  • Syed Nitas (Bard College): Integrating Global Citizenship into Environmental Education: Out-of School Program in China as a Model for Ecopedagogy
  • Mehdi Lazar (TBS EDucation): Teaching for global citizenship education: proposal from the field
  • Amy Strachan  (University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland): Supporting teacher wellbeing and agency through a mindset approach to climate change education
  • Cat Ho  (University of Illinois): Dismantling the Iron Cage of Neoliberalism: Critical Economic Literacy for Teachers in the promotion of Critical Global Citizenship Education 
  • Sharon Armstrong (Victorian Department of Education (Australia)): Mandating Global Education in Schools
  • Malgosia machowska-Kosciak & Maria Barry (Dublin City University): Digital Storytelling and Identity Formation: Exploring the Experiences of Second-Generation Migrant Youth in Ireland Through Global Citizenship Education Lens
  • Xin Miao (University of Stirling): Rethinking citizenship from an intersectional feminist lens: Mapping Inspirational Women for a more inclusive and informed global citizenship
  • Giulia Filippi (Free University of  Bolzano): Preparing primary school teachers for university: Student teachers and GCE. A comparative study 
  • Asep Rudi Casmana (University of York): Global Citizenship Education in Indonesia: a case study from the senior high school's practices in Jakarta
  • Zeinab El-Khateeb (UCL): Intercultural understanding in language teaching and and  teacher training 


Book to attend

If you want to attend the event as a non-presenting participant, you can register via the button below. 


Picture: ECR Sub-network at ANGEL Paris conference 2023

*The establishment of this network has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission. The activities of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.