
The ANGEL team is constantly on the lookout for useful or inspiring news about Global Education. Please contact us or tweet at @angelnetworknet if you have suggestions.

GE 2050
10 August 2023

ANGEL Advisory Board members feed into Czech event on Dublin Declaration

Both Liam Wegimont and La Salete Coelho spoke at the online event that brought together many important actors from across the sector.
ANGEL conference 2023
26 June 2023

View photos & videos from ANGEL Conference 2023 online now

Get a sense of the atmosphere and activities of ANGEL's key event, held this year at UNESCO HQ in Paris.
21 April 2023

Feed into plans for an Early Career Researcher sub-network.

Complete a brief survey that seeks to gather input on the shape and focus of a proposed network for ECRs working on topics related to global learning and global citizenship education.
28 February 2023

Keynote speakers confirmed for ANGEL Conference 2023

Find out who will lead the discussion at the ANGEL's fourth international conference on the theme of ‘Global Education & Learning for a Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World’.
26 January 2023

Rocking the boat: Do Development Ed NGOs adequately critique neoliberalism?

Webinar looks at report authored by Harm Jan Fricke, commissioned by the Centre for Global Education & Financial Justice Ireland.
New voices graphic
18 December 2022

Present your research at ANGEL's dedicated early career researcher event.

An opportunity for emerging researchers to share their own research, projects, and/or present provocative ideas regarding Global Education and Learning.
15 December 2022

Submit proposals to present at ANGEL webinar 

Special Interest Group on Teacher Education will host event on 'Education for sustainable development with pre-service and in-service teachers'.
14 December 2022

Be a part of ANGEL Conference 2023: Submit your proposals now.

We are issuing an open call for proposals for a range of sessions and presentations at this exciting event, with a deadline of 17 February 2023.
07 November 2022

New Declaration on Global Education to 2050 adopted.

Congress to adopt landmark new declaration convened by ANGEL partner organisation Global Education Network Europe.
24 October 2022

International Summer School on Researching Global Education and Learning.

Find out more about this key ANGEL event comprised of 3 days half board residential study in Bertinoro, plus attendance at a conference in Bologna.  

ANGEL Network,
Development Education Research Centre (DERC)
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Partner organisations

Carousel image attribution: "panoramio (2525)" by William “Patrick” Ma. Under CC 3.0

The establishment of this network and website has been made possible with funding support from the European Commission.
The activities and publications of the network are the responsibilities of the organisers, the Development Education Research Centre, and can in no way be seen as reflecting the views of the European Commission.